Team Parents


Team Parent Duties/Role 

The following information will help you get started with the communication with your coaches/families.  The team parent’s duties and responsibilities are to connect and support the coach with communication to parents as well as coordination social and team bonding. 

LJCDS Booster Club –  The booster club is your support system.  We are a group of parents working together across sports to help you communicate, plan and come up with ideas to best support your team.  We encourage you to attend the Booster Club Meetings to share and collaborate with other team parents and booster club members and coaches. 

Emailing Parents – Speak with the Coach to receive the emails for the team.  If you need assistance, Kathy Dinwiddie, Athletic Business Manager for LJCDS, supports the booster club and will help you to obtain each parent’s email address and send out an introductory email. Sample emails are available to customize or you can create your own based on communications with your coach.  SEE BOOSTER CLUB FILES AND DOCUMENTS.


Team Activities:  Teams often have different gatherings or activities to help the kids get to know each other and bond throughout the season. The coach is the best point of communication/collaboration to decide what is best for the team. These social activities are family funded, and funds are collected at the beginning of the season from each family.

These include:

-   Preseason gatherings

-   Team lunches

-   End of the Season Celebration

-   Pregame gatherings

-   Post game gatherings

-   Parent specific get together

-   Other activities   


Collecting Funds – The team parent(s) pre-plan(s) with the coach to decide what type of activities are best suited for the team and coaches preferences.  Based on the list of activities throughout the season you may collect funds from each parent.  

Torrey App – The Torrey app has information about the schedule, roster and provides opportunities to post and share photos from the games. Search for "Activity Scheduler app" in your phone app store.


End of the Season Celebration – Location Suggestions:

-   Team member’s home

-   Park

-   On campus community hall (to be coordinated with School)



Don’t feel you have to do it alone. Many other parents on the team will be able to support these activities as well as other LJCDS Booster Club parents.